@Chelsea thank you for replying. Sorry you feel this too. I'm sending you loads of love and you've got this too!!!
Yes!! Noise overstimulates me so badly. It feels like a panic attack and makes me feel like I'm going to go crazy! Two under twos, a partner who played loud heavy metal music and a loud dog... I feel like ripping me hair and eyeballs out. The best thing I've found is to just go outside. Even if its for 10 seconds. Also I got some loops for my birthday. That has been a game changer for me! All mums should have these. For survival. Hang in there! Take a breath, and go easy on yourself.
I have a almost 3 week old and a 2 and a half year old so I’m running on no sleep and my toddler has no chill 😅 we are just surviving over here 😂
I had to start therapy and find more support because I was always raging with my 2.5 yo and 8 month old. Unfortunately my partner has extreme ADHD and he gets too overstimulated himself to step in and help so I find myself doing the brunt of the child-rearing. Motherhood is hard. Thank goodness for better weather coming so I can put these little munchkins outside.
Oh goodness yes. I felt like such a horrible mother for a little bit there. Seemed like I was always angry. Once my second got a little bit older it did get better. I also had to really learn to just be okay with some things. Little things my older one did that were her just being a kid but super annoying, I just had to breath and say it’s okay out loud until I believed it lol. It kinda helped me mentally get through it. It does get easier eventually.
Thank you all for your replies. I'm sorry you're all feeling the same but it is comforting to know it isn't just me. ❤️
Yea, loops are earplugs that mute the noise but still let you hear. It is nice to just soften all the noise.
@Megan I was literally just thinking of getting something like this before seeing this post and your comment. I know it's definitely hormones, but I've also always been easily overstimulated. 😫
@Bryanne I got a pair and put them on my keys so I wouldn’t loose them. It definitely helps some especially cause little kids are very loud.
I get this 100%. I have 3 children ( 5, 4 and 2 months old). I also find myself getting overstimulated all the time. Part of that i attribute to my ADHD and the fact that i'm currently unmedicated because of breastfeeding. Motherhood is HARD. One thing i've been trying to do is just be honest with my older two about what is going on "Mama just needs a few minutes to herself to feel better" after that i take a five minute break in another room to just breathe it out. You got this mama 🥰