Pregnancy in weeks

My last period was 28th January, i have a 22 day cycle , i put it in my pregnancy+ app and said 6 weeks 4 days . My flo app which i used for tracking periods is saying 5 weeks 6 days . Clearblue weeks still saying 2-3 . But would of thought it would say 3+ by now. I have a scan booked for Tuesday, but panicking that they are not going to be able to see anything . 3 different websites as well have given me 3 different due dates . 29th October, 31st October and 5th November. I've had previous misscarriges so I guess I'm just freaking a bit . Anyone help me with how far I actually am
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Do you know when you ovulate in the 22 day cycle? 3 weeks on CB digital is quite a huge jump up from 2-3 and you can calculate when you are likely to get to that threshold if you know when you ovulated. Its also a massive range as different people produce hcg at different levels. If your lines are still getting darker then that’s a good sign.

No idea , as the two dates me and my partner had intercourse that month before I found out my app said low chance . Obviously it happened anyway so I wouldn't know ovulation. I'm just going based off cycle and when i got my first positve , was 13 days after intercourse

My cycles can vary from 22 days to 30 days

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