Baby only sleeping on chest

My baby is 5 months old now and in the past week he won't sleep in any way unless he's on my chest. Not even with dad or in his swing. I haven't been able to sleep properly all week & not sure why this has randomly started. Any tips on how to make him stay asleep when I settle him?
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Can they roll onto there chest themselves? If they can leave them if they r strong enough to roll over they have enough head and neck control to move there head to prevent suffocation. Once they can roll and move into different positions in their sleep the risk of sids actually reduces. It's almost impossible to stop a baby from rolling and moving in there sleep unless u plan on never sleeping again and watching them the entire time. Since 10 weeks my baby has been able to roll back to front and always rolls onto his belly to sleep but he's only just learnt to roll belly to bk now at 25 weeks old. Always put them down on there bk to sleep but if they roll and move around just let them obviously if they roll right up to the side of the cot then just move them bk in the middle but u can't do much else. I found once they can move themselves into positions they find comfy they start sleeping better as well. It will be terrifying for first few night but ull get over it soon x

I’m experiencing a similar thing with my LO. Before he only contact napped during the day but recently he won’t sleep at night unless being held. I hold him for a while and then put him back in his next2me but 5 mins later he’s unsettled again. I’m up and down with him all night. I haven’t figured out how to help him stay asleep so don’t have any tips to share but I totally feel your pain.

There is another sleep regression and growth spurt around 6 months. Mine is 5.5 and we have been cosleeping. He had been managing 2-3 hour stretches in bed with me but now seems to wake every 1-1.5. 😔 no tips but hoping it's a short phase x

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