Could this be cmpa

Hi, My baby is 3 months old and feeding times are a struggle. She did have a tongue tie which we had cut and has never properly fed in terms of her latch as she struggles to suck. So she will work extra hard. But after every feed we find she is in such distress, she’ll cry and arch her back and just won’t be settled at all. Even after getting burps up etc. She doesn’t have any other cmpa symptoms that I’m aware of, like rashes etc. But I’m just really struggling now, feeds just aren’t enjoyable and I’m worried for her sake that she could be in pain or whether it is just a lot of gas because of how she feeds on the bottle. (FYI we’ve tried every bottle and teat on the market) Thank you
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@Tammy how are you so sure it is cmpa with no other symptoms? Especially considering latch issues... ? My baby was similar to this and he doesn't have cmpa. He was tongue tied and it took a long time after the release for him to get a proper latch so he was super gassy for a while which was a struggle but we did oral play exercises which helped a lot. We also saw a baby osteo who helped to release the tension that the tongue tie had been causing and she recommended goat milk formula (nannycare specifically) as it more gentle on their tummies. Our LO did great on it for a few months! We were told that babies with true cmpa can't have goat formula but he was fine, we have transitioned onto cows milk formula over the past month and he's doing fine on that now so I feel confident he doesn't have cmpa. Our osteo was incredible and very knowledgeable so it might be worth checking out but it could be more things than cmpa at this point (though also not ruling it out completely). Maybe check out reflux as well?

I’d be wary of saying cmpa. A lot of babies that have tongue ties cut also have other tension that needs work once it’s been cut. Did your practitioner give you any exercises to do? We were advised osteopathy after our tongue tie cut if we continued to face issues and for our twin with a high palate. We never needed it as our latch issues resolved The other thing to consider is reflux. Again it’s really common with a poor latch

@Tammy her baby literally only has 1 symptom so it is unlikely to be cmpa

@Tammy I don’t agree. My son is CMPA. in order to be even considered by a GP as CMPA there needs to be more than one symptom. Symptom Hannah has described could be lazy tongue tie release, gas causing discomfort or silent reflux all very common issues for babies. Just to be clear, digestion issues ie foul bowel movements that the nappy can’t contain with blood in, skin problems, respiratory issues. These are what would be considered symptoms to a CMPA and NEEDS to be more than 1 symptoms to even have the discussion regarding CMPA.

@Ceri-Ann yes we did get giving exercises but they seem to be making no improvement. I do believe the tongue tie has caused the reflux issues and like yourself she has a high palate. Can I ask what you did to help your little one? X

Ask to be referred to the infant feeding team there’s exercises etc to help baby get a proper latch .. if she’s not latching properly she will be taking in a lot of extra air so even with winding there will still be wind stuck unfortunately.. could be that mixed with silent reflux.. ask your GP to try carobel or infant gaviscon xxxx

@Hannah definitely seek out an osteo if you can!

@Hannahwe never ended up needing needed to go down the osteopath. We had issues with both twins to start with. Twin 1 had a high palate and post tongue tie. Twin 2 had 100% tongue tie. Twin 1 latch improved once jaundice resolved and he grew a bit. Twin 2 was resolved with the tongue tie being sorted but he has since be diagnosed suspected cmpa but has more physical symptoms (mucousy poos, projectile vomitting, slow weight gain where he dropped centiles)

Sounds to me like silent reflux xx

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