Baby crying…

Whenever my baby cries I tend to him ASAP either by breast feeding or other comfort - my mum came round this morning and said if he’s fed, clean nappy and winded, to just let him cry for a little while before going to him as this won’t harm him, and I’ll never get anything done otherwise. Is this okay, or could this affect attachment etc? What is a reasonable time if so?
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Personally not my style at all, imo if my son is crying it’s not for nothing. Might just be for comfort or a cuddle but to a baby that’s not nothing. So no I won’t leave him a period of time before tending to him. I’ll pick him up instantly and will continue to do so 🤷🏼‍♀️

i typically attend to my son immediately unless i’m doing something that prevents me from doing so (driving, using the bathroom, showering, cooking) even so i tend to him the second i’m at a red light, i wash my hands in the middle of cooking or cleaning, a few times i’ve hopped out the shower to give him back his paci.. at times i. quickly finish what i’m doing so i can fully tend to him in case he’s hungry or tired

if anything if you have a carrier wrap i’ll use that so he’s automatically with you and you can get some stuff done.. i know it helps my little one fall asleep

This advice feels very outdated from when they used to say you can spoil a baby. I think you get a secure attachment from being there for even if just for comfort, a baby cannot self soothe and sometimes they just need a cuddle x

i mean it’s okay if you’re in the middle of something to wait just a minute but i don’t like leaving them to cry if i can help it. he’s crying for a reason, even if it’s just for comfort. housework and stuff can wait, your baby will only be little for so long so i say give them the comfort they need :)

I only leave my 10 week old crying if I need to pee, or clean his bottle to make a new one. If he’s screaming too much sometimes I’ll just opt for the boob if he’s really screaming (I try to breast feed only at night) My MIL and mom are the opposite though. They pick him up immediately trying to show they can calm him faster than me, if I put him down to do to nap and he doesn’t. Kind of irks me. But anyway. I don’t think there’a anything wrong with tending to them immediately. Only fruit and milk spoil, not babies

I think it’s okay to let them cry when your in the middle of doing something that so can’t stop but if your able to see to them straight away then why wait.

As a therapist... pick that baby up you are their safe person yes in long run they will stop crying as much but that's because they are learning you won't be there

This an outdated way of thinking. We know now that they always cry for a reason. It’s how they communicate. Whilst he might be fed, clean and winded there are so many other needs and reasons for crying. He could be tired, bored, too hot, too cold, in pain, scared, wanting connection, needing comfort … all sorts. To ignore that to get things done is distressing for the baby and it will probably be distressing for you too! Babies need consistently responsive caregivers to form secure attachments.

I would give the baby a couple minutes but if it continues than offer stuff but you don't wanna get in habit of offering the boob everytime at first. They will become SUPER attached. Offer toys or a pacifier or if they are old enough baby snacks than boob if nothing us working. But if you need to do something I agree with your mom but if you don't need to shower or go to the bathroom I wouldn't let him cry like that.

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