No you’re fine until 12 weeks I think this is totally normal as it’s the 4th trimester and my 8 week old is the exact same!
Ahh it’s so difficult but sounds like it’s normal behaviour for around this age. Do you both keep trying to put baby down or do you just allow them to contact nap? I’m finding it so difficult to get anything done like sterilising bottles, baby’s washing, expressing milk etc and that’s before I even think about having something to eat/drink myself. How do you navigate this phase and get things done? x
My baby was like this from about 5 weeks too, previously slept in her Moses basket fine but stopped. I got a baby carrier and she contact naps on me or in her carrier through the whole day. When I started doing this she started sleeping fantastic on her own at night time, I think because she was so secure having been contact napping all day! It’s normal for a baby to want to be on you all the time, I think it’s so natural! I love it and am soaking it in until I start to train her to have independent naps at 3-4 months old! :) Edit : oh and that’s how I navigate getting things done! I can wash dishes, walk the dog, hoover, literally do anything while she’s in the carrier!
My baby is the same. Currently 6 weeks old but just contact napped since 4 weeks. Get yourself a good carrier/sling! I absolutely swear by my sling, I couldn’t get anything done without it. Most naps are in the sling so I can still get things done, apart from one across lunchtime where we have a lovely co-sleep nap. Just trying to enjoy it all until she’s too big!
@Sara @Lauren what slings do you both use/reccomend? I actually do love her sleeping on me and finding it so relaxing so a sling wound be an ideal thing to get so I can do other things too xx
I think most slings are pretty similar in terms of brands. I have a moby wrap which is non-stretchy and I also have a stretchy wrap which I just bought off eBay to be honest, it was good for when she was much smaller. When she got a bit bigger I switched to the cotton wraps it doesn’t stretch. I also have a momcozy carrier (one I buckle around me) which she’s in right now she basically lives in this. It’s very practical and quick to put on! The wraps take a while to get used to but I love them as well. The moby one is a lovely soft material and she’s very cosy in it x
You are absolutely not creating a rod for your own back.. ignore all the outside noise of how you should do X Y & Z.. I held my little boy for many many contact naps until almost 2 years of age.. because I could / wanted to and he is absolutely fine at sleeping now on his own. They all find their way in the end. Enjoy all the cuddles if that’s what you want to do 👍🏼
I have a free rider wrap sling because I figured it’d be the best from newborn. It’s really comfy and easy to use
I had the same opinion that she is obviously comfortable being held and if that’s where she is comfortable that’s where she should be. It’s just with that many people saying I’ve created a rod for my own back and that I’ve spoilt her etc I was starting to think, have I? But thank you all for the reassurance and recommendations about the slings xx
Mine is the same too he’ll be 6 weeks on Friday. He was fine sleeping in Moses basket, pram etc until about a week ago. My 20 month was the same up until 12 weeks!
Ignore everyone who says you’ve created a rod for your own back, babies who are held more tend to feel more secure and cry less later on! Get a sling and do whatever works for you and your baby 💕 (8 weeks and we in the same boat - only sleeps when in human contact 😆)
No my baby is the same age and is the exact same and I’ve heard lots of babies are like this when they get to this age x