Look up the safe sleep 7 and happy cosleeper on fb/insta. make sure you have a firm mattress, baby is dressed correctly etc I have been co-sleeping with my 7 month old pretty much since she was born because I was exhausted and I was risking falling asleep unsafely. I did tons of research and feel completely safe doing it now.
Happy Co Sleeper! Idk why it’s so demonized in the United States when it’s super normal in most countries around the world. Especially from an instinctive and primal perspective. Enjoy it.
Safe sleep 7! I also recommend Safe Infant Sleep by James McKenna if you really want to have ammunition when talking to people who question your choice. Mothers and babies sleeping together is the human norm (actually, it's the norm for most mammals). Our culture has demonized it for a variety of specific historical reasons, but we're by far the weird ones here and we're making our lives so, so much harder than they have to be as a result. Your body is not a risk to your baby, particularly if you're breastfeeding. The only real potential issue is bedding, as you have seen. Following the safe sleep 7 will help you make the area safe. Enjoy your cuddles with your sweet little one!
Safe sleep seven. Have a look at happy cosleepers on FB they’re a really helpful community