My little boy is 21 months. He was put to bed at 6:45pm and is still awake now. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s wrong. Clean nappy, he’s had 2 bottles, ate all his dinner, room how it usually is, white noise on as usual, tummy is soft so no trapped gas. Any ideas ladies before I just cry?
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Will he just not fall asleep? How long is his nap? Could be it needs cutting down. Teething maybe? Cold?

@Laura he’s stood at his stair gate whinging. Not crying, just whinging. I’ve just been in to try and cuddle him to sleep and all he did was repeatedly slap me in the face. His nap is 2 hours so that’s not the problem and 90% of the time he goes to bed fine. Not teething as far as we can see/ tell and no cold symptoms. I’m just lost. He looks knackered.

He may just need to self settle. My lg has done it once or twice

Are his molars/additional teeth coming through?

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