Is she biting in general or when feeding? How do you react. When my daughter started biting in general when she did it I would put her down say no and walk away for a minute. It only lasted a few weeks and she stopped
@Hannah I don’t think so she laughs and does it she’s also teething a lot
@Ceri-Ann no in general and I sit her down and say no and it hurts but does it again
@EmiliaI’d do similar to what Cari-Ann has wrote but make sure she is aware that she actually hurting and not being nice.
@Hannah so it’s not concerning that she’s biting like that yall telling me this is normal ?😭😭😭
@Emilia my son bit so much in the toddler room at his daycare that they wouldve kicked him out if I hadn’t worked there lol I should send you some of the incident reports that I got (no joke i have a STACK). it got to the point where one day after he did it my director came and got me and I popped him in the mouth because he was gonna get me out of a job with how much he was biting and he didn’t do it again so 🤷♀️
@Annie my girl bit her cousin who then bit her and she bit her back 😭😭😭😭😭 i was like bro are you for real right now 😭😭
@Annie Christian is just trying to let them know he’s the boss😭😂 so sassy even tho it’s not funny but oh lord 😭😭
@Emilia I could literally send you 20 million incident reports exactly like this lol and omg that’s funny that they were just biting each other 😂😂😂
@Annie WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO LMAO 🤣 they’d just stop to stare at the other one like wtf?? Then bite them back 😭😭😂😂
@Annie imagine being Christian who bites a kid because the other kid just wasn’t drinking fast enough and that boy thirsty i get it cause I don’t have time for this 😂😂
@Emilia 🤣🤣🤣 i’m over here laughing fr
@Annie my husband texted me after I told him she bite me and he’s like bite her back and im like wtf😂😂😂😂
@Emilia when I was a baby my dad bit me because I bit one of my siblings and I never bit anyone again afterwards it wasn’t a hard bit but enough to make you rethink your actions.
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@Hannah honestly im scared to try she’s one little sassy monster she’d probably bite me back 😭🤦🏻♀️
@Emilia obviously there is so much you can do and a fine line between gentle parenting and child abuse but if biting her back a few times works then you don’t have to live in fear anymore. I think maybe start by giving her warnings and telling her no and moving away and if she continues to bit id bite her back and tell her that it’s not okay and it’s not nice to bite 😂
@Hannah yeah we live in a different time now my mom would’ve just Woop my ass😂
@Emilia literally it’s insane how parenting has changed so much and kids have become so feral compared to how we were raised would never disrespect any family member because my mum and dad would of killed me and yet my nephew is a absolute nightmare to my brother and his mum but there’s nothing they can do about it
@Hannah my little cousin who’s 9 told her mom to shut the fuck up and she did im like ?!?!?! I’m 26 years old I’m not saying that cause they def beating my ass even at 60 lmao
@Emilia exactly parents can’t be parents anymore it’s ridiculous we should be allowed to raise our kids the way we want and if they deserve their ass whooping then we should be allowed to do so 😂
My son started off like this and now he pinches 🥲 idk what’s worse, the biting or pinching
@Kendi omg yes the pinching phase is so intense lol luckily they do grow out of all of them 🤞🤞
@Kendi there’s a pinching phase 😭😭😭😭😭????
My baby is 9 months and bites me all the time😭😭 nobody else but me! I’m like damn why me? I use a stern voice and he cries then I feel bad. I feel like he’s not old enough to understand stop so he bites me the next day. He just got his first 4 teeth so I blamed it on teething but they’re here now & he still bites.
My dad said bite them back, of course not hard but it does work!
@Emilia ftm over here, mine is 18 months at the moment and he’s in a pinching phase 😭 I didn’t know it was a thing lol hope you don’t go through it. The bitting was definitely due to teething but idk what does pinching have to do with 😂
Is she aware that it hurts and not nice?