My baby has been doing this since 4 months old. I think their head control is strong enough at this age for it not to be an issue as mine moves his head around in his sleep.
My sleeps like this and has since 7 weeks old x
If baby can roll back and forth you should be okay! As long as baby is placed on their back and they choose to roll this way it’s alright :) my girl has slept on her side basically since birth and has been a tummy sleeper for a bit, she sleeps way better this way 😂
Once they start doing this by themselves it's fine, you can't keep yourself awake at night because of this. My baby was doing this from like 4 months old, and she's now 9.5 months and never sleeps on her back lol
My little girl has just started doing this too. Unfortunately she likes soft things in her face so she lays her face straight in to the matress! I've purchased a baby monitor and an owlet this week for her to help alleviate my worries. She seems fine doing it, but is rather be safe than sorry. I've noticed that she tends to do it when the night light is on, so she moves her face to block the light.
My baby also sleeps like this, but he can roll both ways. I was very nervous to begin with but now am used to it. The good news is that the risk of SIDS increases if YOU place them on the belly. If you place on back and they roll themselves, the risk is not increased ☺️ There were lots of posts on here about this also a while ago FYI