Co-sleeping questions

My baby is heading into the 4 month sleep regression and I'm considering co-sleeping because I mentally can't take the waking up every hour again. The thing stopping me is 1) judgement from other people and 2) how easy it is to get her to sleep in her cot as she gets older, has anyone been through this and managed to transition to a cot at 6 months? Is it doable or should I just ride it out while I have the luxury of being off work?
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Personally i’d ride it out whilst you’re off work, eventually your baba will get used to sleeping on their own again it’s just how long will that take and can you cope with how long it will take vs how difficult it will be to ride it out if that makes sense, some babies get so used to co sleeping they’ll hate their cot after it xx you got this mama

We co slept up until 6 months as my little boy hated his next to me crib. For the first couple of months I tried so hard trying to get him in it and then gave up and co slept as I was so exhausted. Over the Christmas week we moved him into his own room/ cot (when he was 6m) which was a tough week sleep wise… but luckily it was good timing as my husband was off work so could help and we battled through! Since then he hasn’t slept in our bed at all and just loves him own space in his cot! I miss co sleeping so much but am grateful to have some space back in our bed!!! I would enjoy co sleeping with your little one for now to get as much sleep as possible, I found it the best feeling ever cuddling up and waking up to their little face every day! <3

We co-sleep part of the night. I personally wouldn’t care about other people’s judgement… in the end of the day you’re the mother so you know best. Our LB starts the night in his cot, then when he wakes up if I’m ready for bed I take him with me. He is 8 months now and had a rough 4 month sleep regression and co-sleeping helped us get through it. In a good night he’ll sleep through from 8pm to 4am in his cot. We didn’t do anything special to transition him to his cot in his own room (we just put him there one night)… I think he liked having the extra space to roll onto his tummy. If you’re considering co-sleeping I would suggest you check out happycosleeper on Instagram as she offers free guides on safe co-sleeping. I fought it at first as I didn’t want my baby to get ‘bad’ habits but I love the snuggles now and we all sleep better. He won’t be little forever so we make the most of it. I co-slept with my mum until I was quite old and I loved it and we are best friends. 😊

@Emily this is the thing... Is it worth having no sleep for 3 months to get her to settle in get cot or sleep together and have 1 bad week. She comes into bed with me at around 5, she has been sleeping in her moses basket 8-4 but 4 months has rolled around and I don't know if I can go back to being awake all night again🙈 how did you get them to sleep in the cot did you do cio or another technique? Xx

@Barbara I feel like I'm a bad mum because everyone I know has sleep through babies even though I know they are all different and just think why can't I get her to sleep when everyone else can. The bad habits put me off, but I keep thinking would I rather her be well rested and happy or not sleeping in her basket. It's so hard she also has Raynaud's in her hands so I think that my be contributing because if she gets cold at night she can't stay asleep it seems so hopefully as we get into spring it will get better🤞🏻

1) Judgement from other people - I know it’s easier said than done but try to ignore them. Remind them it’s natural and human babies are designed to sleep close to their parents! As long as you are doing it safely there’s no reason for anyone to judge apart from their own misconceptions. Of all the things to potentially sway you away from co-sleeping don’t let it be others opinions. 2) This really depends on baby’s temperament. Some will be fine going into a cot as will want their own space. Others still want connection and closeness. We use a floor bed so that he can have some independent sleep (I roll away once I’ve fed him to sleep) but it’s easy for us to still co sleep when he needs it (usually the second half of the night).

I’m still cosleeping and I love it. If my baby is having a tough time sleeping I can just feed him to settle him again without having to open my eyes or stand up. I am happy to trade my body being stiff for not having to fail at transferring him to a cot and then start all over again 😂🙈. My plan is to transition him to a floor bed in his own room when he can sleep for longer without me. At the moment he cannot do more than two hours without stirring before I come to bed. He settles quickly when I go to him but he sleeps much better next to me.

Also, read/listen to the book The Nurture Revolution and/or the podcast Spoil Your Baby. It’ll make you feel a lot better and more able to ignore the judgement.

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