First appointment

Has anyone called their doctors/ midwife clinic to arrange their first 8 week appointment yet? Or are you waiting a little longer? Xx
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I notified my GP for the community midwife team and they sent me a link for self referral to the hospital midwives. As far as I’m aware you won’t see anyone until 12 weeks for the first scan which is the dating scan

Ooo it must have changed from when I last went they did a 8 week appointment with me last pregnancy just to take bloods and ask questions xx

I filled in a self referral online right away when I found out and got my appointment through already

I’ve done my self referral and have my booking appointment in a few weeks, I’ll be about 7+3 x

I’ve done a self referral online and have appointments through for both 8 week medical history appointment and 12 week scan

I had to book at 8 weeks coz I was told to by some receptionist even though when I initially rang at five weeks they were supposed to pre book an appointment for 8 weeks (so I discovered recently) but this is Derby🙄 now they fully booked for weeks my appointment is now for April when I'm 12 weeks.

Depending on your area some trusts and practices will prebook your 8 week appointment and even see you when you find out you are pregnant and give you a check up while you wait. My sister in Newark has had very efficient service and can see the gp/ midwife when she wants😂

Think it’s different for each area. I’ve done my self referral form but at the end it said I can’t call to arrange a midwife appointment until I’m at least 6 weeks.

I done it online and got an online account for my notes and an appointment in the post x

I think they should just make self referral an option everywhere

Yeah self referral form online and have my 8 week booking appointment set up

I filled out a self referral online for the community midwife team and they said they’ll give me a call by the time Im 9 weeks or just before to book in an appointment with them, I’m only 3/4 weeks 😭

We were told by GP to call midwives team but they told us they won't do anything until 7 weeks and to call back at 7 weeks where they will then arrange appointments

In my area in wales you self refer on the hospital website and they get back to you a couple weeks later with an appointment we’re still waiting for them to call

Looks like everywhere is different I called the midwife clinic today and they booked a telephone appointment for Thursday to book my 8 week appointment! X

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I called as soon as I had a positive test and sent me a link to fill in and called me to book an 8 week appointment, I have got my 8 week appointment on the 1st April for bloods and stuff

We got the call and will be having our booking in next Friday at 6+3

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