I don’t 😂 I go stir crazy if I don’t go out and speak to an adult every day 😂
I don’t often do this but my tip would be that you don’t have to be actively playing with her all the time if you’re finding that exhausting. If she’s happy to sit and play with some toys for a few minutes whilst you have a cuppa then go for it - letting them explore by themselves is great for their development too x
@Mia we have a jumparoo, she loves it, it does help a lot 😂
@Anna yes definitely I leave her in the jumparoo while I have a cuppa. I ended up making spaghetti for her to play about with x
I had this yesterday and also made spaghetti!! 😂
It must be the thing to do!
Have you got a jumparoo or walker? They can help alot 😂