@Rachel that’s great. Does he go back to bed easily? I’ll probably get those dim lights for the floor so she could go overnight eventually.
Sometimes, but he doesn't go to bed easily in the first place lol. He wakes me up because his bed is right next to our bed, we don't have a step stool for him, and I think he's scared of the dark. If you have all that, then I would show her what to do at night and encourage that every night before bed. Make sure she goes pee right before bedtime
@Rachel her bed is near mines too but I don’t trust her for a second to be in the bathroom alone at night lol.
Lol right! Just keep consistent with it! Don't back track. Oh, and if you're worried about her making a big mess in bed, layer her bedding
It's a great thing! Keep her in underwear at night. Then she'll be fully potty trained. My son was dry for around a month when we kept him in underwear. He's only had 2 accidents and it's been 2 months. He's now at the stage where he'll wake up and tell me when he has to go