We’ve tried pushing his bedtime back and if he has a later nap we will. His second nap tends to be 2-3 then he’ll go to bed at 7. He has about 1hr 20 mins in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. And even at that I have to wake him from his naps
Could be a developmental thing, they say 8/9 months is the big one where they get separation anxiety I think it is, all just phases and hopefully will pass soon
Us too! Naps great 2-3hrs over 2 naps, self soothes to sleep. Bedtime he cries and currently awake for 1.5 hours in the night as a split night 🙃 I was considering if he’s napping too much in the day but because of the split night his daily sleep has dropped from 13hours to 11.5 per day
@Hannah we have split nights too and then he gets so hard to soothe because he’s tired 🥱
@Meg it’s really the worst and his sleep is getting less and less!
Having similar issues, he was sleeping through, now he's refusing to go to bed, waking multiple times and starting the day at 4.30am. it's exhausting. This will pass 😴
I had this and then found my LO’s bedtime was too early and he wasn’t tired enough so we pushed bedtime back and it helped, don’t get me wrong we are currently at teething stage atm so it has all gone to pot but hopefully once they cut, we will be back to norm again haha ! Do they nap long during the day, my LO is lower sleep than my daughter so if he naps a lot more during the day we know it will either be split night or a very early wake up