Teething ?

FTM here My Baby boy will be 3 months on the 19th is the is this a sign he’s teething ? He’s also been fussy at night , here and there and having more saliva than usual (I will add a picture of his gums below this post)
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Mine too! She’s 13 weeks and drooling like crazy. Babies can definitely start teething this early!

My baby is 3 months and is doing the same thing my pediatrician says it’s developmentally normal for their age. Babies have just discovered their hands and their salvia is gearing up for introduction to food in a few months. Teething doesn’t usually start until 6ish months.

My first babe had some teeth popping out by 4 months and she got all her teeth super early. However I don't think this is teething! Around this age they start discovering their hands and putting things in their mouth is very normal! Saliva is also very common at this age as well!

I'm pretty sure bc my Don is the same way. Drooling alot and always chewing on his hands. My first got her tooth at 4 months, so it wouldn't suprise me

He’s so cute!!!

Sounds like my little guy. He will also be 3 months on the 19th. He does this, but his is because he just recently started sucking his thumb and hasn’t fully grasped it and will scream when he takes it out

my baby will be 3 month on this monday 17, he already show a sign teething. you can testing if you touch his gum to see if he cry or fussy. it can be feel soreness on gum. i gave my baby ice creamy formula pacifier (he LOVES IT) and gum gel relief.

My little guy is going through the same at 3 months! He will scream bloody murder and refuses his pacifier when he normally will take it and then when I put a teething toy in his mouth he starts gnawing on it. I've been trying to show him how to use them and he's starting to catch on. I just ordered the Camilia teething drops because it says 1 month plus on the box. It's possible for babies to teeth early. You know your baby best!

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