@Terra I did that I told this man I didn’t feel beautiful and i couldn’t even get the reassurance in that conversation.
I think it’s normal for a man to not want sex if he’s going thru legal, financial or relationship issues. Some men are like that & mine is like that too took me forever to understand it because I was used to having sex all the time when we first got together 😂
It sounds like you've both been through a lot and it's worth noting that stress and mental health can have a huge impact on sex drive. Personally if mine drops even a bit i completely lose mine and its never been anything against any of the partners I've been with
If you hadn't already talked to him about how you're feeling and your insecurities you should. And this next part is specifically something me and my partner discussed which I think all couples should and that's what you find attractive in each other and how to maintain that.