@Madison how often she has 8oz?
4oz ish every 3 hours during the day, 1 4oz bottle at night. 6 in total = 24. Every baby is different though, you will need to gauge how much your baby needs/wants. Maybe start offering every 3/4 hours and see how they respond and how much they drink etc
6oz every 3.5 hours, 7oz at bedtime ☺️
She feeds on the boob every 3 hours but i don’t know how much she’s getting. We have a party at the end of the month and have been expressing for bottles and have been doing some some 4s, 5s and 6s oz just incase but i’m not sure on how much of it she will drink to send to her nanas with her 🙈 Or will she need more than that, it’s hard to know isn’t it
6oz/7oz every 3 hours xx
5/6oz every 3 ish hrs x
6-7oz per feed around 3 hours. They say calculate it on weigh so 150-200ml per kg of body weight in 24 hours
7oz every 3/3.5 hours
@Alanah how much does your LO weigh? I’ve got quite a big boy for 16 weeks and wonder whether I’m feeding him enough?
6oz every 4 hours (last bottle is 7oz), she sleeps 12 hours at night though. So only has 4 bottles per day.
My little boy is 5 months old and has been ebf since birth. We’ve introduced a bottle and he won’t take more than 3/4 oz every 2/3 hours
I was under the assumption that babies who drink formula have to have more in volume to hit their calorie intake for the day than BF babies as the composition of the breast milk adapts to the babies needs as time goes on but the volume doesn’t change. So I was told 4 ounces would be enough for a BF baby being pace fed? However I have no idea how true any of that is - maybe follow the guidelines on the back of a formula pack for their weight/age and then at least they have more if they need it.
Mine was on 5oz every 2.5hrs but since her tongue tie was cut she is only having 1 or 2 4oz bottles a day and back on the boob mostly.
Breast milk and formula aren’t the same! I exclusively pump and she has 150ml every 3 hours. Sometimes more. I think the rule of thumb is 30ml per hour between feeds is pretty spot on. Mine just loves her milk and can easily have more. The lactation consultant told me that rarely do babies need more than 150 mls in a bottle at each time and that the milk changes for baby rather than having to increase the quantity like formula X
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@Kati I have absolutely no idea what he weights at the moment but 3 weeks ago he was 14.4oz
@Jodie Yes this seems more like mine, i wandered whether she was getting enough and how much they usually drink she starts messing with it at 4 oz but doesn’t seem a lot compared to some babies 🙈
@Chloe She’s breastfed on demand every 3-4 hours but usually only on it 10-15 mins at a time. I’ve started expressing and been getting 3 oz out of both breast but i wandered how much to put in each storage bag as i wouldn’t want to waste any it’s like gold dust 😅🙈 She starts to become fussy with the bottle after 4 oz
@Jessica Thank you x
@Kristen This makes sense and helps a lot thank you, il store 5 oz in each bag just incase but she becomes fussy so far after about 4 oz so il see how we get on 😅
8oz my girl is on