We start around 715/730 and leave the room around 750/8, he’s typically asleep by 8 . He wakes up around 630am
We start slowing things down with our routine around 7 and she’s in bed by 8 or 9
8:30-9 these days lol it just spends
Around 8pm, give or take 30 minutes
lol I was afraid of all the 8:00 answers. Lately my toddler has been waking up around 3am and won’t go back to sleep. We do a 7pm bedtime and wonder if it’s time to change it.
What is the rest of your schedule, Incognito? Maybe the whole schedule will help. We do wakeup between 7am-7:40am, nap 12:30pm-3pmish, bedtime 8pmish. They need 10-11 hours of night sleep so I'd maybe go back 11 hours from your wakeup time.
@JLI just have a low sleep needs baby. She’s never been a sleeper. Ever. She still wakes in the night. And is very dependent on me for comfort. (I don’t breast feed anymore) but she just wants to be with me 25/8. It was 630wake 12-2nap 700bed But that doesn’t seem to work anymore. Her naps have only been an hour. So idk if it’s just regression, or what. I’m also fairly positive she’s getting her 2 year old molars.
Start bedtime routine about 645 and she's usually asleep by 7! If it's bath night we start a little earlier
I also think daylight savings can mess up kids routines too, it did for my older two, not so much my baby now, but it can take a week or two to adjust, good luck!!
@Michelle yes I was thinking that might also be a culprit
Yeah so she wakes up at like 7-730 then breakfast and then goes back for a nap anywhere from 12:30-1:00 and sleeps latest 3:30 and then goes down between 8:30-9
I started to notice a difference too for bedtime so I just decided to keep her up a little later
Sometimes she randomly wakes up in the middle of the night but it’s normal for it to happen here and there. They’re growing developing etc lol
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We go in the room between 8-8:15. My daughter is an hour to hour and a half sleeper. She wakes up at 7:15, naps 1-2/2:30.
I start bath at 8 and then she's laying down falling asleep by 8:30
I also only allow and hour and a half nap at MOST, some days it's only an hour and on days we get out of the house she doesn't have a proper nap at all. otherwise they're going to be up at night or fighting bedtime
His dad doesn't get home from work until 7 on a good day, then he cooks and we eat dinner, do bedtime and everything, he's usually falling asleep by 11, he sleeps until 8-10 am though, and takes 2-3 hour naps. I'm a stay at home mom and we plan to homeschool so it works for us.
8pm, 8:30 at the latest
7, and she's asleep no later than 7:30 or so
It depends so hard, anywhere from 7 to 9 and he's an always early riser no matter what
8:30pm bedtime. Wakes up 7-8am. Naptime 12/1pm-2/3pm
10:30pm 🤣 we sleep in till 10/11. Absolutely no reason for us to be up at 6/7/8am
8-8:30 latest