@Nina good to know I'm not alone! And might just have to cuddle him to sleep longer. He gets even more active and frustrated when I tried pick up put down for a while. Maybe just not ready yet.
Similar so following in case anyone has any tips, I have to rock him and transfer him which is getting more physically difficult
@Becky He's getting heavy! And starts to wake up when being transferred now 🫠
@Lisa exactly the same
My little girl has been like this since she started crawling. Shes non stop, she even in her sleep is smacking her hands about and kicking🙈 She will not settle on her own and if I manage to get her down in her cot it’s 20 mins and she’s up crawling around in the cot. We only ever get a good nap if it’s contact or a pram Nap but that’s getting harder now 🙈
@Ashleigh Yeah sounds exactly the same! 😅
@Lisa I have just leaned into it now and told myself that she’s too interested in the world around her and she will sleep when she masters everything so never 🤣
@Ashleigh yeah I feel like that will be a while. The same day he mastered rolling he started trying to crawl or find a way to move forward. I feel like he will need lots of challenges and activities when he's a bit older..
@Ashleigh @Nina @Becky different question. Does your LO seem tired quick still? Especially first half of the day he sometimes gets tired after about 50-90mins while he could be on 2 hour wake windows now halfway 6 months. Every baby is different but have been wondering if him being so fast and active always had anything to do with it. X
@Lisa yes definitely tired quicker in a morning, some days she can barely stay up for an hour and a half I think their bodies haven’t caught up with their brains yet and that doesn’t help. Nighttime she has to have 3+ hours before bed or I have no chance of getting her down
@Lisa not that I've noticed. His wake windows are usually 2-3hrs with occasional 4hr wake window if we are out and about and he refuses to sleep. We are out most mornings though which means he spends mornings either in the pram or in the carrier, unless we are at baby sensory classes. Afternoons he usually spends some time playing on his playmat wriggling about etc.
My lb is a bit like that in the day, it feels a bit like a mix of FOMO and being overactive. Similarly, when he is tired he just works himself up even more, screeching and kicking and wriggling and all sorts. When he gets like that I usually treat it as overstimulation and put him in a carrier and cover his eyes or step into a dark room and rock him until he calms down and falls asleep. But I have to calm him down basically, he's not going to do it himself as he's unable to at this stage.