My son understands so much, can follow instruction etc but says very little. Dada is the main one, yeah, occasionally duck and very occasionally mama x
That’s more than my daughter. She knows some animal sounds and mama, dada but the only ‘word’ she can say in context is bye bye
Ah my son also says “nana” for banana. Very cute!
And yeah he has about the same number of words
Same concern...... but my other boys were far more verbal and articulate and able to pronounce words very very clearly, even the first few words and then boost in vocabulary by Feb and March and kept increasing... I'm very worried too and I read is fine, but 2yr old and delayed speech is when to be concerned and some where I read 3yr old started taking... I'm still concerned but no one talks about it. And my girl says 3 words byee, hi, mama etc and gibberish.. sound like she trying but it's sounds, like bzzzzza, mahi for milk bottle sometimes, nose ney ney (French version Nez. ) oh and boyzzzz she knows, she started 2 months ago, i say it all the time for her brothers
My girl says mama, dada and ta... and constantly says 'mi- which can meant literally anything (more, milk anything she wants really) she's 18 months on Thurs and also not walking unaided. Amazing understanding though
That sounds fine! My son signs more and waves and claps and points. He can also do hands behind your back and point to his ears nose head knees toes chest. He says: Nana (banana) to mean banana but also I'm hungry or food. Mama. Dada/papa Ba (ball, favourite thing/word) Up Duck (uses for all birds and planes, second favourite word) Eeee (eat) Moo (cow) Woof or panting (dog or cat lol) Yeah No Nein Wawa (wee wee) Ah! (Refreshing gasp sound (water/drink/cup). Aboom (book I think 🙈) He will spin around and hi five and hug on request and will also wee on potty on demand before we have to go (if he has drunk enough to go obviously)
She says a lot more than my son 🙈 he understands a lot but all he can say that is understood is baba mama and dada, occasionally hiya 😣 I keep telling my self it’s fine he’ll pick more up soon but it’s so hard not to worry!