Invest in a meat thermometer so you can test the temperature of the meat. You’re fine as long as it’s cooked to temp! It looks fine to me
Pink pork isn’t usually a big deal! I prefer mine a little pink. It’s like steak in that way. Poultry like chicken and turkey should never be pink though
Yeah, what Ariel said. Pink pork is ok because it’s naturally kind of pink even when cooked. Poultry should never be pink though, that’d mean it’s raw. Like Megan said—if you get a cooking thermometer, you can just check that before you serve it to ensure it’s the right temp. Pork & poultry should be 165 degrees F, fish is 145 degrees F, and beef could be anywhere between 140-165, depending how you like it. I’m sure you’re fine, but I know it can get scary. Also, food poisoning is a pretty quick thing, so if you aren’t sick by now (I see you posted this 4 hours ago), I’m sure you’re fine!
That definitely looks cooked enough
Pink pork doesn't necessarily mean it's uncooked. If you prepared it according to the instructions and cooked it at the correct temperature then it will be cooked.