Feeling guilty
We've just had our first transfer which sadly failed and due to have our second in a couple of months. We've been trying for many years and suffered miscarriages in the past.
My friends have all had babies over the years (some more than one) and each time I have made a blanket for the baby. Now one of my friends, the last apart from me in this friendship group, is due to have a baby any day now and I just can't bring myself to make her anything (and I've avoided her for most of the pregnancy although she also hasn't reached out to me).
I now feel so guilty because it isn't her fault that I'm going through this at the time she is having her baby and I feel awful that I feel that I resent making her anything. Crafting and gifting things for those I love is my love language so it's really hurting me but I just can't make myself. I keep picking up my hook and then putting it back down because I dont want to. Am I a bad friend?
Please don't be hard on yourself! You're going through an incredible rough ride into your TTC journey! And there's time to see your friend and express your love language! They will be incredibly understanding too of your situation, So keep transparent with them! They will appreciate that more than you isolating yourself lovely.. I also have been through the toughest and longest ride of 10yrs+, But my friendship groups, especially those when they announced around me through the tough times were incredibly understanding 💖 I'm so sorry you're first round didn't stick around! It's such a hard world to navigate with soooo much uncertainty, But you're not a bad friend in the slightest!! 🥰🙏🏻✨️... I still have a diamond painting i haven't finished or gifted my friend since my first round failed 🤣 It will get to Scotland when I find the motivation 🥺 She knows I care! Xx