Help idk what to do

My daughter of 11 months has 2 naps a day but didn’t want to nap and now she’s almost been up 9 hours by bedtime it’ll be 11 hours ish she’s awake wtf do i do
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Idk if cause of teething or something else she just wants to play

Did you try rocking with different methods ? Walking around holding baby/rocking always works .

@pooja did everything you can think of no clue why won’t sleep and now im terrified for night time

@pooja what if it’s dangerous that she’s awake for this long

It’s totally fine for babies this age to skip one nap here and there just go about your day and put her to sleep as soon as you see the cues.

@Katie she is tired she’s just fighting it and wants to play instead she’s gonna end up being up the whole day and I’m scared she won’t sleep tonight either

@Katie never happened before

Maybe she’ll have an early night today

@Katie but what if she doesn’t sleep the night either wouldn’t it be dangerous

@Emilia missing some sleep isn't dangerous. If you were anxious that she's not sleeping that may be part of the reason why she's struggling to fall asleep cos she's getting that vibe from you. If she's fighting it a lot then it could be that the timings aren't right when you are offering a nap in the first place. What's the routine?

@Emilia don't stress it. she's probably just going through a leap, which can come with some sleep disruptions

@Natalie she wakes up at 6:45 7:00 am she has first nap at 9:30 then last nap from 1:00 to 3:00 bed time at 7

@Emilia how long is the morning nap?

@Natalie 2h afternoon 1h

@Emilia She’s not built to fight sleep forever eventually, she’ll crash. An occasional rough night isn’t a big deal, but if she’s regularly getting less than 10 hours in 24 hours, that’s when it can become a concern. I don’t stress if my son skips a nap as long as he’s happy, not overtired, and isn’t in any discomfort.

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@Emilia you said last nap 1 to 3? Which is 2 hours?

@Natalie sorry it’s 2h between 1-3 it’s 1h but saying 1-3 because we start the nap at 1 but can take her half an hour an hour to fall asleep and 3 pm is the end of nap time bedtime is 7 pm

@Katie with daylight time saving whatever we went an hour forward since then it’s a gone show to sleep for her at night

@Emilia I'd tweak the last nap later (try it at half 1) cos currently gaps are 2.5 hours in a morning before nap, 2.5 before last nap and 4 before bed which is a big range. You want the shortest first then getting longer as the day goes on. Id keep 2.5 in a morning before nap, increase the time between naps to 3 hours then a gap of 3.5-4 before bed.

@Emilia Just keep the environment as calm as possible dim lights, minimal noise since she’ll probably be overtired before bedtime. A little soft play, a warm bath, a gentle massage, and cozy feedings can help her wind down without getting overstimulated. Keeping things low-key should make settling easier!

@Natalie i try to get her to stay awake longer but she won’t then when i do it she’s too tired and wont sleep 😩 but today the first day she ever did that just won’t sleep the whole day i have no clue why she also has 8 teeth currently and one coming again maybe teething bothering her also? Should I give Tylenol maybe ?

@Emilia based on the info you said it takes half hour to fall asleep so she is awake longer? Teething can definitely impact sleep.

@Natalie it depends so sometimes im able to keep her awake 2h30 3 h awake in between but when it’s 3h she’s awake she gets really grumpy maybe i should go back to 3 naps a day ?

@Emilia at this age you'd expect them to be able to stay awake 3 hours plus. Could be worth trying a 3 nap day but this age is usually 2.

@Natalie she was born early could it have an impact maybe ? Sorry it’s my first just trying to figure it out you think you got a schedule and a routine until you don’t lol

@Emilia yeah it could. Go by the corrected age. You can have a perfect schedule/routine then needs change so you readjust

@Natalie she was born at 36 weeks and few days

@Emilia then may not be ready for a move to 2 naps yet.

My daughter dropped to one nap at 11 months

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