Does he do it often? Honestly it really worried me. He’s never done it before so it took me by surprise
Is your LO babbling or making sounds? X
@Christina yes a lot of babbling and different sounds. Has that got something to do with it do you think x
My LO is the same verbally. He literally today sat on sofa and then turned his head and started sobbing and after a 10 minute cuddle he was babbling and laughing again. I put it down to possible trapped nerve in neck or cramp. He later had a fever and so I thought might even had headache and moving his head made it worse. I only wandered with the speech to see how your LO would normally communicate x
My 4 year old autistic nonverbal son also does this. Sadly it’s part of it :( I hold him tight, give him squeezes to help regulate him, show him I’m there with him, and that it’s okay. It makes him and myself feel better when I can comfort him like that. Their feelings and emotions are so much more intense. I can’t imagine how they feel.
Yes often if he is autistic it’s because they can’t regulate their emotions properly
Yes my son does this he’s 3 and autistic he’s also non verbal. He can just out of blue cry his eyes out then 5 minutes later have a laughing session I’m used to it now but at first I didn’t know it was part of his autism