I don’t think my baby likes me much

For background, he’s 3 months old & my fiancé and I currently live at my parents. My baby tends to fuss and cry and scream when I’m with him, and then calms down for grandma/grandpa/dad. I try everything to soothe him and all it takes is my mom picking him up for him to quiet down. It’s starting to break my heart because I’m home all day everyday with him and idk what else to do ..😔
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If you are breastfeeding baby might just smell milk and get hungry x

@Selina I breastfeed sometimes but I mostly pump so maybe !!

Yes definitely might be smelling milk especially if they are going through a clusterfeeding stage used to happen with my baby when I pumped too xx

@Selina thank you, that makes me feel a bit better 🥹 what did you do??

Honestly I can’t remember too much I just know I deffo cried with him a few times 🥲x

Agree with what was said about breastfeeding, my first was like this and it was horrible. It made me angry that he was fine with everyone else but me, it was frustrating but I guess when I did have my mom or someone watch him even for a bit he was fine and wasn’t giving them a hard time at least. Just gotta hang in there, it’ll get better as he gets older. Good luck!

@Selina 🥲😅 same here, I’m in the trenches lol

@Brenda ughhhh well thank you for the support !! 🥲🩵

Oh, enjoy this time when baby can be soothed by others. I was in the same boat and was desperate to have him be more attached to me that the grandparents and at about 11 months it literally switched and now he’s 1.5 years old and there is NO ONE in the world he would rather be with. It happens a lot. Just keep being there for baby. He literally thinks you and him are one so he doesn’t see you as as a separate person. He sees you as an extension of him. But when he realizes you are two separate people…. Good luck my friend 🤣

Yes I was going to say the same about the BF!! It's awful but just know it's not that LO hates you, they just know you're the one who can meet their needs the best ❤️ when they get a bit older you will probably find it totally changes and it's all mummy mummy mummy!!

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