Gel packs? Is the cream with lanolin? A lactation consultant should be able to help to, as this sounds really scary! *Edit for typo
@Chelsea yeh I have😭 still hurts so badly, and then my areolas wrinkles😭
@Lena I tried nipple cream, putting ice on a clothe and massage it, it hurt more than before! The nipple cream I’m using is the Lansinoh one
I know they have balm and cream. I use both of them. One of them is with lanolin and the other without. With anything that is an open wound I would make sure to keep it dry and clean.
Silver cups! Get them off Amazon, they’re expensive but they healed my nipples so quickly during breastfeeding, especially in those first few weeks. I still use them now and again! X
@Lena ok I will find the balm and see! When I leave it dry, the skin around my areolas starts peeling
@Naomi are they really that good? I took them off my list but will surely get it then!
You can get nipple shields if you’re breast feeding . Honestly I felt like this too and had to bottle feed for a while and then went back to breastfeeding BUT it did cause nipple confusion soo that sucked and wouldn’t recommend until your milk comes in but do what you gotta do!
Have you tried using nipple cream. Helped me, my daughter used me for comfort, only lasted 2 days