Our boy just got diagnosed as being hyperactive and behind in some areas of learning because he cannot sit still and and focus for five minutes and has to be redirected more than three times to a single task. He is all boy and is super active and goes nonstop all day. He focuses on and sits still for things that interest him like mud and monster trucks but is not a fan of crafting, drawing or cutting with scissors. They labeled him behind in fine motor because he can't focus on those tasks. Thoughts?
Take the help. I wish someone would have helped me when I was younger because I struggled through life. If you take the intervention and they find he doesn't need it, great. If you take it and he can excel, also great. There's a lot of unnecessary stigma. ADHD is super hereditary and often from the mother. It also presents differently in women. I would take the help, tips in supporting a kid who is super active. I considered ny son "all boy" too, but truthfully, had he had intervention/ diagnosis earlier his younger years could have been smoother. You'll love your kid regardless, don't let other voices make you feel negatively about support that could positively impact him.