First words

Hi everyone ! My baby is currently 13 months old. Curious to see when your little one started saying more words? Right now all he says is “papa” all day long and occasionally a “mama.” He babbles plenty during the day, but no actual words. Should I be worried ?
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My baby boy is 15 months old and he says "mama" all day long and calls his pappy "mama" as well. He also makes the sounds for dogs and cats and pretty much that's it. However, I'm not worrying myself as we're a multilingual family, both me and his father are from different countries, speaking different languages and living together in a foreign country with a third spoken language. So baby boy is listening to all kinds of different languages every day, thus it's understandable it might take him some more time.

My little guy is almost 13 months and can say “mama, up, yum, and nene( boy in Spanish) Every baby is different so don’t stress ! He will learn it ! Just keep talking to him and repeating words ☺️

Pretty sure the milestone for children being able to say words is closer to 18-24 months, I definitely wouldn't stress x

My kiddo started saying "mama" at like 6 months but he said it for everything. He started saying "papa" specifically to talk about papa at around 10 months. He's 15 months now and has quite a list of words, but only a few that he uses regularly. His list includes, yeah, no, all done, more, Nana, Opa, owow (dog in general, but also our dog), Lolo (willow, my mom's dog), ball, ye-ow (yellow), skooba (magic school bus, but also seems to be just "I wanna watch tv"), milk, and nap. He's said a few others once or twice (things like juice, hot, gentle) but only as repeating directly after, not as a word used independently in context. Also he loves barking at dogs, but will also bark at cats, squirrels, birds, and occationally other people while we're in line at the grocery store lol But every kid is different and it's not a race! They're no where near the point to start worrying about anything, just encourage them to use the words they have as they get them, and let them grow in their own time. You're doing great!

My kid was 8 weeks premature so if you go off his adjusted age it wasn’t until 14 months adjusted that we heard much of anything besides mama, dada, puppy, and baba. Mama was the last of those four… he’d say it when he was mad (i.e., getting his diaper changed) but wasn’t actually associating it with me until probably around 13 months adjusted. At 14 months adjusted we got banana, and soon after several more words (probably about 15 words total by 15 months adjusted). All of this was considered very normal by the parent educator who visits us every couple of weeks. She told us to expect a language explosion between 18 and 20 months adjusted, which we finally got around 19 months adjusted (a couple weeks ago). It happened so fast. All of a sudden he’s associating objects with words and saying them, attempting to repeat anything we say, and putting phrases together. It’s amazing to watch. Just give it some time, everything you described sounds totally normal to me.

My baby started babbling early and his first word was 'mama' at 6 months! He literally knows its me as he calls it out when he's hungry or sleepy and as soon as I hold him he stops saying it. So cute it hurts my heart! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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