if i was you, id seek professional help. inevitably, the lack of love you feel for this little girl will impact the way she knows and expresses love herself. every child deserves utmost love and care, we all need it as human beings. you could seek guidance on parenting, advice etc from professionals like social services, family nurse services etc. if you’re in the uk, these services will be free 99.9% of the time.
it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by challenging behaviour from our little ones, but i don’t think it’s normal to feel like you don’t love them anymore because of it. for example , my almost 6 month old has gone through such a difficult phase of literally crying and complaining from the moment he wakes to the point i was literally dreading him waking, but not because i didn’t like him, but because it was overwhelming and hard for me to feel like i just couldn’t do anything with him awake, and i couldn’t help him either. i didn’t lose an ounce of love, and still wanted him around all the time! maybe you have your feelings confused? professional help could help navigate through what you feel. maybe what you feel isn’t a loss of love, but a rise in how overwhelmed and helpless you feel.
Yeah I second all that^ I’d get yourself into therapy and get it figured out because you can’t afford to let this fester.
little ones are extremely sensitive, i feel pretty confident to say and think that she is sensing your lack of love. you can play with a child all you want and still be cold behind those eyes and actions. your love for her sounds conditional, now that she’s been more challenging, with completely normal behaviour for a 1 year old, you feel distant and you “don’t love her”. having a clean nappy, being fed and drink are basic necessities and the bare minimum, just because all of these things are taken care of doesn’t mean a child will automatically be all dandy and happy.