I do it, but I'd say you need to do a regular number of bottles. It won't work to suddenly do lots of bottles one day without pumping. I generally do 1 bottle a day at bedtime. If I need to do a bottle earlier in the day for whatever reason then I bf at bedtime instead so it still works out to 1 bottle a day. If I was going to miss multiple feeds in a day I'd have to pump to make up for it, at least as many pumps as feeds I have missed. Hope that makes sense. But no it won't interfere, I did the same with my first baby and breastfed til just before she turned 1.
@Carol thank you that's really reassuring to hear. X
@Tanya thank you. Yes I thought that perhaps a bottle a day would be probs be best just so he gets used to it! It's reassuring to know it can be done successfully 😊
I have introduced formula in the day and night feeds and first feed in the morning is breastfed, mentally i was telling myself she wasn’t getting enough breastmilk, so having formula has helped me loads, and she’s taken to formula brilliantly. I just did it slowly, dropped one feed at a time, and i haven’t been engorged once by it. x