Anywhere between 4 & 7 hours. Sometimes he’ll nap at midday for less than an hour sometimes he’ll nap from 1.15 to 3.15. Bedtime is around 7.30 but he won’t go to sleep until 8.
Mine wake between 6-7am. Nap at 11am for an hour and half and then bed at 7pm
We’re up between 6.30-7, nap is between 12.30/12.30-2/3ish and bedtime is at 7.
6:30/7:00am wake nap 11:40 till 1:00PM then bed at 7:00PM x
My toddler sleeps 7pm-7am with no naps
No naps here! Awake for about 12 hrs. Asleep for 12 hrs!
5.5 hours. We’ve not let him nap after 2pm for a longggg time as it made bedtime a nightmare, he naps 1-2pm, bedtime is 7.30 and he then sleeps for 12-13 hours
Thank you everyone. We’re dealing with early wakes, between 4:30-5:30am (I class 5:30 as a good day 🥲) and I’m not sure how to stop it. She’ll nap for an hour usually 12:30-1:30 then bed 7:15, asleep by 7:30.. I’d try cutting the nap but where she’s up so early she needs it 😢 xx
My little one only sleeps between 9-10 hours in the night. So if she went to sleep at 7.30 she would start the day super early too. She needs to be awake for 6-7 hours before bedtime and we aim for bedtime at 9pm
7am to 12-13 nap 2h max bed 7pm