Suspected CMPA

My little one is 11 weeks (EBF) and from around week 4 or 5 he started having very green poos. I asked at the practice and got told that it was normal and it might be my oversupply of milk as he was probably not getting the fatty one. He has always been so gassy and with some reflux. This week we saw a tiny speck of blood in his poo and we went for an appointment. They said it might be CMPA and that all the symptoms he has had might be due to that. The other day he had diarrhoea got changed 6 times during the night. I have cut all dairy and soya and have been three days without it. Nappies are mostly yellow but still with mucus, sometimes they are green and still with tiny specks of blood. Has anyone gone through something similar? How long does it take for lactose to leave his system and symptoms to go away? Thanks ❤️
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It’s unlikely to be lactose that is the issue, it is the actual proteins in the milk. (They are different things) It can take 6-8 weeks for the proteins to fully work their way out of yours and baby’s systems. My girls poo’s have always been green when on normal formula and even now on amino acid based formula so that can be completely normal but keep an eye on the mucous. It could be something else like soya or eggs but dairy is usually the best place to start so give it some time ☺️

My LG has multiple allergies including cow’s milk and had similar symptoms. I was told it can take up to 21 days for the milk proteins to leave your system and stop passing through to baby. Have you been referred to a dietitian for further advice and support? 💕

Lactose is an intolerance to milk sugars whereas milk allergy is an immune allergic response to milk protein. Soya has similar protein which is why doctors say to cut out soya as well. It can take up to a month for your baby to fully clear of the proteins and the gut to heal again. Make sure baby is referred to an allergy clinic to check if it’s an IgE or non IgE allergy and to a dietician for support around diet management bf the milk ladder. Good luck! We are ten months in with my second boy and he’s allergic to pretty much everything 🤣 x

Aww thank you so much ❤️love peanut !!!! @Lauryn @Devon @Sophie

@Devon @Sophie we haven’t been referred yet, do I just ask my GP to be referred ?

@Mari Yeah I asked the GP and they sent referrals to the allergy clinic at our local hospital for skin prick testing and the paediatric dietitian x

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