Yes - my 16 month old's sleep seems to have changed as well. Although he has gone off his food and is really quite clingy at the moment. It's hard to know whether it's a regression of some sort, teething, not feeling very well or if they're learning a new skill. Such hard work. It feels like you're feeling really disheartened at the moment. You felt last month that you were finally getting somewhere, seeing a breakthrough but now you've been hurled right back; and it can really feel neverending can't it? I feel for you.
@Jay Yeah we do that but she will only nap for half an hour tops in the car so the rest of the day is hard work 🫠
Try to come back home to sleep as soon as she falls asleep in the car. Don’t go on a long journey just round the block. Honestly I’m giving you this advice but it’s very trial and error but this has been working for me more consistently
@Jay Yeah we do but she will just wake. We are usually able to transfer her no problem but lately she wakes the minute we try to put her down in her cot!
Been going through this as well. Now I just take him for a quick ride in the car. 5 mins tops and they are fast asleep. I transfer them soon after. I just learnt this trick and it’s keeping me afloat for now. But any other tips I welcome!!