Floor beds

Has anyone got any recommendations as we are wanting to switch to a floor bed (fear of baby falling from our bed where they currently sleep, if we have to leave the room) I am unsure whether to spend 100s of pounds on a ready made one or just buy a low bed frame and mattress. Any advice or suggestions at all greatly appreciated
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We had the same issue and ultimately decided to buy a metal low frame from Amazon. We started off using a double mattress from the spare bed and found no issues with the frame so then bought a new mattress knowing it would see our LO through for years even if we moved away from the floor bed frame. So although we paid £100s for the new mattress we know it will be used and only paid about £70 I think for the metal frame (which we can dismantle when no longer useful). It took us ages to decide what to do because life is so unpredictable with needs and preferences constantly changing. But no regrets for us thus far!

@Jaskiran thank you so much! Did you use any bed rails or anything? Do you want me asking how old little one was when they started using floor bed? X

I think it was around 11 months old but we were thinking about it for a while before that due to how active LO was but we just were too indecisive & then one night he somersaults off the bed. Thankfully no injuries but it spurred us into getting the floor bed sorted. We didn't need bed rails because the floor bed fits perfectly between our bed and the wall. We have a cot mattress with a sheet on as the headboard and we have a play mat against the wall on the side of the floor bed. We also have a floor cushion/rug thing at the foot of the bed for when he's coming down (although there's such little height it's probably not needed)

We switched my daughter to a mattress on her floor with bumpers when she was 14 months old! It’s been amazing

@Jaskiran yeah this is what I’m petrified of too! So glad they didn’t hurt themselves! Ah ok thank you. I’m planning on putting floor bed in what will be his bedroom so debating getting rails just for extra peace of mind if I decide to do the frame and mattress. Thank you for sharing it’s really helped x

@Lauren 💫 so glad it’s working for you, gives me hope! What kind of bumpers?

https://a.co/d/ahAjrVP These! They just tuck under her sheets and they are great!

We just put a mattress on the floor

@Lauren 💫 thank you so much for sharing! X

@Rebecca thank you! Do you have to lift it up during the day to air out? I’ve heard they have to be aired

Incog, yes. Every morning I stand it up so it can air. You can get slats to go underneath it for airflow. We tried that first but it made it too high and he would wake up when he rolled off it!

Can I ask you all what you have used for a headboard if you have used anything?

Incog we don't have anything

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