I would say at this age it’s more sleep environment optimisation and ensuring appropriate full feedings and wake windows so be cautions of who you choose, I personally recommend blissful baby expert Lisa Clegg but realistically 2 months is too little for actual sleep training
@Incognito you’re right it’s too early. I suppose what i want help with is him at least getting used to his bassinet and not co sleep.
Most proper sleep consultants would (or certainly should) say that 2 months is a little too young for sleep training. It’s not recommended to start until around 4 months at least as that’s when they start forming sleep habits
Have you tried naps in the bassinet during the day so he gets comfortable with it? Unfortunately it's just an age thing right now!
@Incognito there will definitely be things you can do to help him feel more settled in his bassinet like swaddling, dummy, white noise, dark room, wake windows etc so a sleep consultant may be good to look at what you’re already doing and look for any improvements but just be careful because a lot of people claim to be sleep consultants and then just suggest a ferber style method without actually looking at the whole picture which of course will just be stressful for you and baby x
@Molly yes i did initially but now daytimes have become a nightmare. He just won’t sleep in any way. I have to hold him all day. So bassinet is out of the question for daytime. But he is still doing a bit better at night so maybe i just need to muster up some courage and slowly get him used to it at night. I’m just soooo tired that i don’t bother as getting some sleep is much more important 😥
I’m in the same boat!! My little guy is 2.5 months and we co sleep. Hes been getting slightly better during the day. What I do is swaddle, white noise, dark room, rock him to sleep. Once he is asleep I wait 10-15 minutes until he’s in a deeper sleep and will place him in his crib. He sleeps for about 30 min in the crib until he’s out of that sleep cycle and will wake up. I have also been trying to take him for car rides or a stroller ride so he gets used to falling asleep not on me. It’s been getting slightly better… now he wakes up in his crib and will just hang out for 10-15 min before crying. I’m going to attempt to sleep train at 4 months, but like you I’m just exhausted at night to try and just give in to cosleep
@Lais its the opposite with my boy, he is terrible during daytime, will not sleep at all and wants to be held or fed all the time. At night we are still able to get approximately 2 hours stretches while co sleeping. Honestly kudos to your courage! You’re trying to get your baby used to the crib even though he sleeps for only 30 mins! Although mine’s moses basket is right next to us, but i dread the thought of him waking up just in an hour and eventually just put him in bed with us😅
The struggle is real, I just keep telling myself one day I’ll sleep again wether that’s in 3 months or 3 years we shall see 😅
I never sleep trained my lad, but found he slept better in his next to me as it was bigger than his Moses basket so I just let him sleep in there & his cot at night - next2me was downstairs n cot was next to my bed he jsut loved the space x