1 nap 12-1pm x
1 nap between 11-12 for 1-2 hrs. I've heard its normal just them to drop naps all together at this age xx
1 nap , lasting from 2-3 hours x
1 nap 10-12
No naps here, but she’s asleep by 7 and wakes at 8am so it’s working for us 🥰
We’re at 1 still around 11am till about 12:20-12:30. It’s rare she’ll have longer than an hour and 30. I can feel that it’s getting shorter and shorter so I’m assuming she’ll drop it down a lot or altogether in the next few months! 🥲
1 nap 12:30-3
Thanks everyone for your comments! I’m glad there is some people in the same boat as me 💗💗
We're still hanging on to 1 nap for as long as possible (although starting to become a fight 😭) but my nephew dropped his naps completely by 18 months, so it's not as uncommon as some will make out! Sending all the love and strength to make it through the day! 😅
1 nap 1pm- 3:30pm everyday x sometimes from 12:40pm