I honestly feel like I’m dealing with postpartum depression. My son is a month old and last night he was screaming crying and nothing would help. My bf tried to call his mom so I blacked out, grabbed my baby and the next thing I know I’m in the room sobbing with him screaming in my arms. Today my bf decided to have an attitude after I asked him to take our baby while I took a quick nap and he said “ I just had him all night” as if I don’t wake up and help him all the time and mind you he was wide awake . I just can’t help but cry and hate myself for some reason.
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Many of us have been there. Have you got the contact information for your community midwife or health visitor? They are honestly there to help and get you the support you need . Both of you. You have a massive shift in hormones and it's normal to cry and feel overwhelmed. However I promise you it does get better, there is light in the tunnel. You have already done an amazing job giving birth and you will continue to.

@Nicole thank you 😊

This is so beyond normal it isnt funny. I have a 6 week old rn and am in the same trenches. Just last week my dad had to come over for a day a few weeks ago and found me in nothing but a spit up covered nursing bra and 3 day old pj pants holding my baby and both of us just sobbing. You are not alone at all. The lack of sleep plus the massive hormone shift is a brutal combo. Id definatly reach out to any village members you can ask to just hold the baby for a 4 hours (aim for 4 interupted hours to get a full REM cycle in) or go through the packet your hospital sent you home with for postpartum resources. Reach out to your OB, GYN, GP, pediatrician, therapist, psychiatrist, any and every dr that you can talk to. You do NOT have to be in pain like this. You deserve to be happy and healthy and rested just like your baby does.

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