@Abby Thank you Abby. I’m doing what you used to do 😄 Frankly I’m quite enjoying it since I’m still on mat leave. But I realize I will need to do more with my time once I’m back to work hence the questions!
@Sharon soak in the time!! I only started getting up so that I could get sewing done but I'm missing the endless snuggles
@Abby aww this encouragement means so much, thank you! The snuggles are the absolute best 🥰
I feed in my bed around 7pm until she drops off to sleep and stay with her for 45/60 mins until she's in a deep enough state to unlatch. I then slip off until about 11pm when she starts to stir for her dream feed which is when I get into bed anyway. Hope this helps
@Sophie thank you Sophie, this is very helpful!
My LG is 5 months. I had a hard time to discover this routine as all online info is for cot babies and on sleep training. There was little to no chance I could sleep train especially as I'm EBF. I just went in blind and took every day in my stride and followed her cues, eventually her sleeping pattern and needs settled and this works for us... took a lot of tears to get here tho haha. Just follow what feels right for you and baby xx
I used to feed in the living room until asleep. Then I would transfer to bed. I have a massive square pillow that I would lay him after he feel asleep and use to transfer. As he grew, he didn’t need the pillow and I would just transfer slowly. We still co sleep but now he falls asleep on the bed by himself (dark room but I wait off the bed until he sleeps) since we stopped breastfeeding then I join him later.
My little one just turned a year old. For about 6 months now I’ve fed to sleep then slipped away. I normally am always able to get things done for a couple of hours after he goes to sleep and before I do
I always side lie and feed to sleep, then ninja roll away and get up
I use to always go to bed when she did and just veg out watching TV, now I slip away & go back in as needed