Bedtime routines

What time do you all put your little one to bed? My baby is 12 weeks and breast fed. He currently has a feed and then goes straight down between 10&10:30. He then sleeps through until 7-8am, which he has been doing for the past 6 weeks. From other conversations I’ve seen, I feel he goes to bed a lot later than most but he sleeps so well, I’m worried an early bedtime would ruin that? Also if you put your baby to bed before you to bed, do you sit in the room with them or put a camera on? We all go to bed together at the minute so I don’t have to worry about not being in the room with him as he sleeps Thanks :)
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We all go to bed at the same time, between half 9 and 10. She sleeps until about 5, has a feed and goes back to sleep. It works for us. We did the same with my first, but she used to sleep 9-9 from 8 weeks 😂 she’s now 4 and is in bed 7pm so it didn’t do her any harm. Whatever works for you I say 🤷🏼‍♀️

If it’s working that well for you, I wouldn’t change a thing! Every baby is different and, at this stage, I’d say take the sleep - you can always shift routines later as needed but I personally wouldn’t alter greatness 😅

My little girl goes down between 7 and 8 as I also have a toddler so we do their bedtime together. She does wake for a feed anywhere between 1 and 3 then sleeps again until between 6 and 7 which is when my toddler wakes up too. We put her monitor on and eat tea in peace then I go to bed in the same room xxx

I tend to go to bed when my boy does, anytime between 9.30-11pm. He will then wake for a feed between 4-6am then go back down for an hour or two.

We’ve had a similar 10PM bedtime until the past few weeks - she’d sleep on one of us for most the evening after her 7ish bottle. But the past two weeks we’ve started putting her down after that bottle (so around 8/8:30) and letting her sleep until she wants feeding - usually 1/2AM - and then through to the morning. We’re going to try and do a dream feed at 10PM when we go to bed as that worked for our oldest. Tbh, both routines work but we personally prefer having some time in the evening ☺️

my LO is 14 weeks and was the same but i’ve just started a new routine where he goes down at 7, then i feed him at 10 and then he sleeps through till 7. i keep a camera watching him when im downstairs and then after his feed at 10 i go to bed aswell

My baby is 10 weeks and exclusively breastfed. Our bedtime routine is very similar to yours. We do a last nappy change and a feed around 10pm and then he goes to sleep until around 7am. I’ll leave the room after he goes to sleep and do my stuff but I keep the door open until I go to bed myself. We don’t use any monitor because our living room is right next to the bedroom so we can hear him.

Ours is 11 weeks, bedtime is 7-8pm after a bath, she sleeps to 4 ish, has a feed and change and then goes down for another couple of hours. She’s generally done with her next to me by 6:30am and will only sleep longer if held. Sometimes there’s also a wake at 1am. Up to 8 weeks she was only contact sleeping so were just grateful she’s going down at all. I have been going to bed with her up until we used a monitor yesterday for the first time for a couple of hours and it was lovely!

11 weeks tomorrow and she goes down between 10 and 11 depending when she finishes feeding and sleeps till 6:30/7am

Awww I’m jealous of you all. My son was sleeping for 6hours straight but not that’s gone down to 4hr and up every 1hr/2hrs after that :(

My baby goes to bed around 8pm I take him upstairs, change him feed him then put him down to sleep and I put the monitor on him, he usually sleeps through until around 6am for his first feed but don't care what anyone else is doing if your routine works for you atm stick with it you don't need to change anything, gradually babies bedtime will get earlier.

@Yvette hang on in there honey, my first baby was like this too, she now sleeps 12 hours solid and has done for a very long time, she's 3 now but has been sleeping 12 hours solid for couple years

My 12week old has a bath between 7/8 then feed then bed. So usually asleep by 830. I usually fall asleep not long after tbh. He then wakes around 1am for a feed and again around 5am. Then up at 8.

I start getting ready for bed with my little girl at around 8pm, by 8.30-8.45pm we’re both upstairs settled, then I feed and we’re asleep by 9.30pm. She wakes around 2.30 and 4.30 then up at 7am tbh i like the routine as I’m an early night lover 😂no plans to change just yet but when we do we’ll put camera on and settle her down xxx

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