Stepmum Research
I wondered if I might be able to ask this lovely community for some help! I am a Stepmum to a lovely 4-year-old girl, and it's been amazing and difficult simultaneously!
I am about to complete my Master's degree in Psychology and need to complete my dissertation. Inspired by my own experiences, I have decided to explore the topic of finding belonging as a stepmum in an attempt to understand more about the challenges and highlights of the journey!
To do this, I am asking for Stepmums based in the UK who have been in their stepchild's life for over a year to be involved. I have compiled a survey that should take between 20 to 30 minutes to complete, and all responses will be pooled together so that they are anonymised.
If you would like to take part, please follow this link to the survey -
P.S. I have sought out permission from the admins before I post this so that I'm not breaking any of the guidelines ❤
Done 😊