I got told at my 36 week appointment with the consultant yesterday, exactly 7 days ahead of the induction date. My anxiety is through the roof and wish they would’ve said sooner 😂
Im 36 weeks today and also got told I would be induced at 37 weeks. I have my scan and appointment at 36+4 on Monday when I will be told. Baby is breech so they said if still breech will have a c section but they seem to leave it pretty close to book you in x
So at the closest hospital to be they call everyday and say weather there's a bed or not available so for us we are just waiting for them to be like come in 🤣xx
@Hollie Marie I was going to say quite often inductions are delayed so even if you get a date it might not happen on that date if the hospital is too busy. 😬
@Ruth I know! Which is why they call you 2 times if you do have bed they call back to say weather it's still there before going in but again so much can change
I had my scan yesterday at 34 and 5 days and I have booked my induction date for 38 weeks plus 3. But she did warn I have to call up in the morning for a timing on the day as they can be busy :)
I am being induced at 37+6 and I have been given a date. I do have to call on the day in case they are busy x
Yes I’ve got my induction date - next Weds. I’ll be 39wks.
I had my 36 weeks scan and was told to pick a date during week 38 for an induction. So I am being induced 31st March. Ekkk! I’ve also been told to expect to be in hospital for a week 🫣😱
Thanks ladies, i ended up ringing my birth centre and was told there was no evidence that a baby on the 6th centile needed to be induced before 39 weeks! So ive got conflicting information 🤣 i have a growth scan next week and an appointment with my consultant so I will hopefully get some clear information then!
It's different because I'm having a c section but was told I was getting a letter with a date this week and it's driving me insane waiting for it lol x