Contraception after baby

What contraception method has everyone chosen or got on best with after having a baby? I was on the combined pill for over 12 years before I stopped to get pregnant and found this worked well for me. I've got my 8 week appointment this week and know this is my opportunity to discuss contraception methods. I am keen to avoid any methods that include hormones. However I think we are likely to want to try for another baby in the next couple of years so also want something convenient for shorter term methods. What do you recommend?
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Following because I'm also wondering the same thing!


Sadly, other than condoms and disks there aren’t any non hormonal methods of contraception. I had this discussion with my GP at my 8 week check and ended up leaving with the mini pill as that all they could recommend. I didn’t even want contraception as we were very happy to use condoms for a while and then see what happens (took me over 10 years to fall pregnant) but after an emergency c section, I have no choice but to be on contraception just in case. If you do get a different answer or someone else knows what to suggest, then I’d be happy for the information x

@Donna Woods there is the copper coil and the natural cycles app also. If you want more specialised advise, contact a sexual health place. MSI uk provide contraception.

@Abbie thank you but the copper coil isn’t short term (for me) and using an app isn’t a contraceptive.

following as having similar thoughts. atm i’m swaying more towards no contraception (the prescribed type) because of how my emotions were previously effect and having a personality disorder 🤷🏽‍♀️

I got sterilised 🤪🤣 third baby and knowing I wouldn’t want anymore I was sick of contraception I’ve been on different forms since 17 and I was so fed up , I was having planned section anyway so had it done at the same time x

I've been on the copper coil for the longest time and when I was planning on both pregnancies, I just took it out and was pregnant almost immediately. It's non-hormonal and since my first pregnancy, I haven't had any side effects like cramps, heavy periods etc. It's worked really well for me so far though I understand we're all different 😊

Progesterone only pill because it worked for 10 years and I can stop whenever I want heard too horror stories about coil and implant from close family and friends.

I have the injection x

@Donna Woods it is a certified contraceptive actually. More effective than condoms when used correctly.

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