I didn’t have a pop. I was just sitting on the floor and my butt was wet and a spot on the floor. I cleaned myself up, peed, and put a pad on. Looking at the pad the leak wasn’t a big gush but continues to trickle everyday. The type of leak (trickle vs gush) will determine the amount of fluid and where the rupture is. I started leaking at 26 weeks and am almost to 30 weeks - been hospitalized since the leak.
I'd go get looked at and pack a bag just encase. I went in for bleeding at 30wks and PPROM at 30+4 and delivered 31+3
I don't remember the pop but the leak was slow. It was a hot day and first I thought I was sweaty. By afternoon I thought I was peeing myself but went to the hospital just to be safe. That's what I told my husband when I called him probably just pee and we'll laugh about this. It wasn't pee...