
Is anyone trying to get back into it and get pregnant again so the kids are really close in age? Or am I the only lunatic? 😅
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I really wanted to but my doctor advised against it pretty seriously because “our bodies are depleted of all minerals after birth and need to recuperate” but tbh I still wouldn’t mind lmao

I really want to but will probably wait tell summer is over to try

I thought about it but I want to enjoy my baby her first year of life without having to prepare for another. I know lots of people who have gotten pregnant so their kids are close in age. Do what makes you happy!

Like Bree said, it's really not advisable to have kids so close together. It takes a year for your body to recover. My kids are about 2.4 years apart, and it's really nice. My older one is at the perfect age where he doesn't seem to be jealous but can "help" and really adores his baby sis.

I wouldn't recommend it, I think a 3-4 year age gap makes it much easier (for me personally) and I don't want another pregnancy to hinder my breastfeeding for at least a year to 18 months.

We started trying once my cycle can't back at 14 months (it took a few months after that for my cycle to get regular again). Ours are 2.5 years apart. I might have waited a little longer to not have to pay $5000 a month in childcare if I want to stay working...

I got pregnant with my 2nd when my first was 8 months. I think their age gap is the closest I'd be comfortable with doing personally. We might have a 3rd but after experiencing this age difference, I think waiting til my daughter can talk a little will work better for us before getting pregnant again. Plus when I got pregnant with my 2nd I was still breastfeeding and it caused my supply to drop so I def don't wanna do that

I had mine 15months apart so if you’re a lunatic then me too 😂😂

Bodies take at least two years to heal - from organs recovering and going back into place to nutrients being depleted … I understand your thinking but from a biological perspective it isn’t the best idea… also and this doesn’t happen all the time- but a lot of my friends I know that did it to fast miscarried cause their body just wasn’t ready… For me .. I run my own business and super into working out- I just got back into it and finally feeling more normal 4 months pp… lol I’m taking my time Also- I want my baby to have her time .

I'm shocked how many people are telling you this is a bad idea! Mine are 16 months apart and while the age gap is really tricky right now, it's going to be so fun when they're older. My second baby is the happiest easiest baby and I firmly believe it's because all he heard in the womb was his big sis crying all the time 😂

My older two are 16 months apart and they are best friends! They’re now 5 and 4 and play together really well. It was definitely stressful though when they were babies. Now my 2nd and 3rd are 3.5 years apart and it’s a much easier age gap to manage in terms of my 3.5 year old being able to help with the baby and it’s easier to explain when I’m busy with the baby etc.

This was me until I thought I was pregnant bc I’m late rn. I took a test that came back negative but this scare changed my mind real quick.

@Katie we are saying it because the female body goes through insane amounts of change ( literally to almost every muscle) while pregnant.. not to mention hormones- nutrients etc… it can be done it’s just not optimal- and if you don’t pay attention to recovery ( pelvic floor/ restoring core/ hips/ etc ) it can lead to a lot of issues later in life

@Lauren totttalllyyyy and those points are absolutely something to keep in mind if she wants to have another baby close together. But it can definitely be done and she can come out healthy on the other side of it.

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