@Laura thank you 🩷 I do try and do those things but recently I feel sooo physically drained and achey I don’t have the energy to manage leaving the house with both of them 😩 I am going through some health stuff so I’m just hoping I get my energy back 😢 x
Two under two. It’s a mission to get out be we go a group every morning. Sometimes I have no energy but I’m in the routine of it now it’s so much easier to parent outside the home. Toddler gets exhausted then home and a nap. It’s hard to start with but once you fit it as a routine becomes so much easier. Mum guilt will forever be there I’ve found you could do everything you can and still find a little something to feel guilty about. X
I have a 3 year old as well. Try playing with your toddler after baby is fed. Does your baby have their own chair? If so, put baby in the chair next to where you’re playing. That way baby can see you interacting with your toddler. You can then say affirming statements like “*insert baby’s name* look at how nicely *toddler’s name* is playing” or “look at what they’ve made/done etc, it’s amazing” “what a good big bro/sis they are”
SAHM to 2yr old (jan) and 5 month old. We recently moved towns too a month before he was born so my friends are further away but we're only 5 minutes from my MIL. It's tough, won't lie but the weather getting better helps. We went for a toddler led walk earlier in the sun and it was lovely :) we do lots of groups too to try and give structure to our mornings. I've also found a new love for box cake mixes - toddler just won't accommodate a proper recipe 😂
Book onto some PAYG classes with your toddler, stick baby in sling and go to the park, out to the farm, play with toddler when baby naps. It’s hard to balance it but sure you’re doing fab x