@Zara my first born was on it however she was much older when I put her on anti reflux but because this time baby is only 3 weeks it’s worried me a little bit I’m guessing if the GP gave us the go ahead then it should be okay, I hope! It didn’t make my first born constipated but baby is a little constipated with the normal Aptamil atm. Thank you x
Both my children have been on it since 2 weeks old due to throwing up severely no issues at all my 1st is now 3 and my youngest is 8 months she’s still on Aptamil anti reflux now xx
@Tayla oh thank you for sharing that with me, makes me feel more relaxed xx
My baby was, it helped with the reflux but I found it made my little one constipated so it just created another problem. I kept him on it for a bit and then decided to try him on a comfort formula. This helped massively and he wasn’t getting reflux or constipated anymore. Hope that helps ☺️