Can’t settle newborn?

Does anyone feel like they can’t settle their newborn, but when they go to another family member they do it just fine? I’m starting to doubt myself and not sure if my baby is picking up on my stress 😔
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I have a theory that when newborns are like this, it's because they can pick up on the fact that the comfort of the womb is nearby. They can smell it, taste it, feel it physically, but they cannot quite get back inside, and it makes them anxious and distressed. They don't feel or smell that with other people, just mom, which might be why they tend to act a little more fussy with mom. Either way it's quite common. Mom is a safe space for a newborn to fully express their needs. They may not be comfortable enough with anyone else to do it, but a crying baby is a good indicator that they are comfortable expressing their needs with you.

Momma u got this just try to always be there for ur little one love him or her and love urself appreciate urself for bringing a full cutie to the world and everything will be fine🥰

My doc told me that the baby expects to be fed whenever it's in mom's arms and when we don't do it, they get distressed. Also, they can pick up on our energy. He asked someone else to help calm the baby in this instance and then give the baby back to mom.

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