does anyone use Virgin pure to make feeds?

I have this virgin pure machine which is great but i brought prep machine for bedroom for night feeds, was wondering if i can use this in the daytime as its in the kitchen only thing is i am not sure what temp it is as it does have the hotshot to it but wouldn’t know what degrees it is, i did use one of those tomme tippe thermometer and it said 80 when i first poured it but you never know if its accurate! any advice but helpful thanks
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Yes I used mine to make feeds for my baby boy (5 years ago!!). I can’t remember the ratio but we programmed the boiling hot water to dispense a certain amount to kill germs and dissolve the formula then a preprogrammed amount of cold water to cool down the feed and make up the required amount. It just meant that if we were making a cup of tea we would have to press ans hold the hot button. For my daughter who is almost 3 now we used tommee tippee perfect prep. They are both healthy and very boisterous!

thanks for letting me know i am not sure how to programme it do u remember?

If you have the manual there is a setting that lets you set the amount you want to dispense i.e if it’s 100ml then you press and hold until you have 100ml ans the machine will remember this. You may need to look up the manual online.

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