I found out my bd is still having sex with his other BM , I'm disturbed by it because he does it when he doesn't have our kids he will ask me to go pick the kids up from school and I know he only wants to do it on his free time

He has them like everyday that's only because they choose to go with him but this is really starting to piss me off CHILD SUPPORT IT IS! it's not like he's buying anything anyway all he does is babysit.. am I wrong ?
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Is this satire or your serious ?

@Nya Obviously im serious , what are you confused about

Shit I’m confused too

😩😩😩 you’re definitely wrong asf to put him on child support NOW for whatever reasons bc it wasn’t a problem before you found out he’s hunching on his other bm 🫣 but do whatever makes you happy boo

Well since you put bd I’m assuming he’s a single man who can have sex with whoever he wants and if he’s doing it in his free time when he’s kid free how is that your problem and why would that be a reason to put him on child support


@Lennox ?


If you’re not in a relationship with him then he’s allowed to sleep with who he chooses to.

So he has his kids like everyday? And you’re putting him on child support? You’re sounding bitter….

I don’t think child support is necessary especially if he’s taking care of the kids, I think it’s out of pure jealousy and bitterness, let him do him and u do u.

He has the free will to sleep with whoever he wants 😂😂

If you ain’t got no ring on your hand girl wear a condom cause that’s a baby daddy his objective is to take care of them kids so who he fuck ain’t really none of the business if you continue to have sex with him then wear a condom

@Tierra We haven't slept together in over 7 years we don't have that type of relationship he does with his other babymomma tho

Girl you need to worry about your own life. If you’re not with him then what’s it to who he’s sleeping with? Honestly, you sound jealous and immature. Just my opinion though.

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So he has 100% care since the kids wanted to be with them and you sometimes collect them from school? It seems more like you’re a babysitter a little obsessed with the fact he went back to an old bm?

@Brooklyn He's the babysitter because he doesn't financially HELP lol it's a difference between watching your kids but not providing

Girl if they are with him 100% of the time you’re the one babysitting

Child support is going to laugh at you when you try to claim if he has them everyday because they live with him and you want him to pay you for picking them up from school 😂

@Brooklyn What sense are you making right now💀😂😂😂😂

The sense that your own post screams you never have your kids besides some afternoons after school when your BD wants to have sex with his previous BM to you and you want child support from the primary parent 😂

You sound like a bitter jealous twat 😂 your kids are with their dad EVERYDAY there’s clearly a reason for it and the fact you live in a fantasy world is probably just that.

@Brooklyn Lmao so if your child's father wasn't in helping you financially with your child, you wouldn't put him on child support?!😂 please stop

GIRL YOUR KIDS LIVE WITH THEIR DAD FROM YOUR OWN GODDAMN POST. also my kids father doesn’t help financially because guess what they live with me 😂

You need to PROVE custody percentages to get child support and if you have them a few afternoons guess what that’s going to end up with YOU PAYING HIM as he is the PRIMARY parent so honestly put him on “child support” and watch them make you the payer

If they stay with him mostly then he should be putting you on child support… tf. Who cares who he has sex with if you guys aren’t together?

no baby daddy is a “babysitter” and if it’s his free time sure why not he can hunch on whoever like you said yall ain’t have sex in 7 years… now that you found out you wanna put him on child support and he can tell the courts he’s been getting the kids everyday so what are you trynna get out of it?

@SaKaiya the baby daddy has then everyday so seems like he has 100% care and she’s asked to pick up and babysit when he sleeps with the other bm child support is going to make her the payer

@Brooklyn exactly she’s just trynna be bitter and what if he isn’t really sleeping around? maybe he needs a mental break

and if you think women can’t be on child support PUHLEASEE!!

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@Brooklyn Loud and wrong🤣😭 I take them to school he drops them off to me every morning before they go to school and some days I pick them up . The days he doesn't pick them up is when he's more then likely making time to sleep with her and on the weekends they are with him yeah he does have them alot I made that clear and I don't have to deny that part who cares??! Fathers can have there kids just as much as mothers it's not a big deal and it doesn't make me less of a parent, he's not providing anything tho money wise, I buy them what they need HE DOESN'T because he " can't " lol

Your still bitter because if you didn’t want to put him on child support previously and only cause he’s having sex with someone that isn’t you that’s bitter

YOURE NOT ENTITLED TO CHILD SUPPORT HE IS. FROM YOUR OWN WORDS HE HAS THEN EVERYDAY. You sound like an absolute deadbeat mum who now wants to put the primary parent on child support because he’s screwing someone and you don’t like it.

Girl if you barely have your kids it does make you less of a parent be so for real.

@Nya Was already planning to put him on child support lol my kids told me some girl they seen him with was supposedly pregnant ( my kids tell me everything ) I believe there word over his . And this same girl is someone he claimed was just a friend but he had them around my kids I TOLD HIS OTHER BABYMOM he has a baby on the way but she doesn't believe me , I told her to not be stupid like the other females he deals with because THEY ALL stupid if they dealing with someone like him anyway I told her to put him on child support because he's making babies he cannot afford but I'm gonna do it before she do.

@SaKaiya Exactly lol gooodbye

lol girl bye i hope he wins bookie butt 😘

If my child's dad was helping me everyday no way would I put him on child support, take your feelings out of the situation. However he should naturally just provide for them, food, clothing and other activities etc

lol so you just cemented you’re a bitter ass bitch that’s upset he’s getting a root from people you clearly don’t like 😂

@Brooklyn Learn how to spell first lol

@Taylor You could've saved that

Well, you asked in your post if you were wrong… everyone is telling you that you are definitely wrong and yet you’re not having it 🤔 what was the idea then?

Are yall together? If not why does it matter who he sleeps with?

Nvm. I read the comments. Thats not your man. He can do whatever he wants with his 🍆. Worried about the wrong ish. 🙄

I thought this was a joke lmaoo no they dead ass serious 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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You need to walk away completely from him.

Darling I know how to spell you’re just upset that you’re wrong 😂

Um, he has them more than you do so how do you figure you would be the one to get child support? Are you the first baby mama?

@Natasha Yuppp

Figured. Of course you would be the jealous type because he has a better relationship with the baby mama after you and she doesn’t make coparenting hard. Your ex has the children more than you. Child support WOULDNT order him to pay you anything. You would be paying him child support. Have fun

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